Career Coaching & Career Advice Blog

The articles you need to create
a successful and fulfilling career journey.


Cultivating Relationships

Almost all of the good things that have happened to me in my life were a result of managing and cultivating relationships. Most people get jobs through people they know. Opportunities are usually created through networks. However, many people make the mistake of focusing on quantity rather than quality when they network. They think that having met someone now qualifies that person as a contact. Perhaps. But, meeting someone and leaving a lasting impression are two different things. For most of u…

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The core challenge of self-employment

This is my 2nd time around in the ranks of the self-employed. The first was very successful. I sold the business. In between, I also had the great privilege of managing’s self-employment / free agent market. Talk about interesting times. For the last 18 months, I have been working on my 2nd venture. I can tell you from experience, that the ultimate challenge of self-employment is managing yourself.

  • How effectively & efficiently you use your time

  • Focus

  • Determination, persistence and visi…

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A Plea for Boldness

What can I say? The times call for boldness. In managing our careers and lives.

I don’t mean brash. Nor flash. Nor large, uncalculated risks.

The situation is as follows: There are way more job seekers than jobs at the moment. Companies aren’t hiring very much. High paying jobs are getting outsourced. There are a lot of well qualified folks out there under or unemployed.

So, what’s your stategy for success? Take your chances? Wait for a turnaround? Keep doing the same things even if they aren’t …

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