Career Coaching & Career Advice Blog

The articles you need to create
a successful and fulfilling career journey.


Creative Networking 1

Tomorrow, I join a friend at his 3rd monthly networking event. The concept? An invite only networking function, hosted by him. This is a great idea to kick-up your job search or personal branding efforts.Who is coming? Repeat guests and new ones - people he has added to his network since his last event. At this event, everyone is required to talk about themselves and their "problem / opportunity" in a concise, specific way, so that the group can help.

I am telling you, it is a powerful way to go …

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Marketing, Marketing, Marketing

On my mind and the minds of a lot of my clients recently is marketing. Whether you run a small business, are self-employed, work for someone else or are on the job hunt, MARKETING IS KEY. I have been personally experiencing the benefits of marketing recently, some of which I describe below.

Ultimately, your ability to thrive, to survive no matter what the circumstances, to succeed where others fail, to make bold changes in your life will be in great part due to your ability to market YOU.

If you a…

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References & Relationships

There is a growing and disturbing trend among US and Canadian companies to implement a policy of work confirmation-only references. In other words, their policy is to confirm employment, and that’s all. This is a major career management hurdle for all of us.

We all deserve references for work well done. They are, in effect, part of our compensation, a reward for work well done. So, given that you cannot impact company policy, what can you do?

What this trend does is highlight the importance of r…

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Dog Walkers and your Career

I was jogging in the park the other day and noticed a number of professional dog walkers. They had many dogs under their care and the necessary tools of their trade. Nothing remarkable about that.

What struck me was a) the number of providers I saw on this one visit, b) their marketing efforts, and c) the range of services offered. Parked on the streets around the park were various types of mini-van and SUV, emblazoned with each dog walking entrepreneur’s web site address, phone number, slogan, a…

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You are a Talent Investor

What is a Talent Investor?

A talent investor is an individual or entity that strategically allocates resources and support to identify, nurture, and develop the skills and potential of individuals, often in the fields of business, technology, or the arts, with the aim of maximizing their long-term success and impact.

Why invest in your talent?

It would be easy to abandon the fancy notions that placed such a high value on our talent in the late ’90s and dismiss the talent war as a pleasant anomaly. …

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