Career Coaching & Career Advice Blog

The articles you need to create
a successful and fulfilling career journey.


Pamphleteering: Finding your voice

Back in the 18th and 19th centuries, once the printing press had become more common, there was a self-publishing phenomenon. Books, yes, but from what I understand a great deal of pamphlets, or what we might understand as articles, white papers, and booklets. For political purposes. For scientific glory. For vanity. For scandal.

Great titles like "The Migratory Habits of the Peruvian Mudhatch, Modestly Proposed by a Gentleman."

The means of publishing had become accessible enough that people were …

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Portfolio Career

There is a middle ground between full employment with one employer and full entrepreneurship. That is the realm of the self-employed, freelancer, independent contractor, free agent, solopreneur, etc. When I worked at with responsibility for this self-employment market, we had long debates about what to call this kind of person - one label that fit. I think self-employed was the broadest category, but it was a lesson in how broad people’s careers can be.

One model of self-employment is…

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The Bold Career Theme

Leading a Bold Career is about an attitude. It is about taking purposeful action to more closely align who you are with what you do for a living. How that action is manifested can be in a thousand different ways. It may in fact, for SOME PEOPLE, be about pursuing a dream career, or starting their own business. That’s awesome and I support that. However, of equal value and importance are other types of changes that are less “dreamy.”

  • Changing occupations because the new one is a better fit with yo…

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