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Dumping the Resume Objective Statement

The question keeps coming up. “What should I write in my resume’s objective statement?”

We get this question from people at all levels. The fact that perfectly smart people don’t know what to do about this traditional section of the resume tells me that as an element of your marketing document (aka resume), it doesn’t work and is a waste of space.

If you have read this blog, I have ranted on more than one occasion about your resume’s purpose. It is, hands down, a marketing document, and should be designed to get you the meeting, whether that be a formal interview or a key conversation.

The space on your resume, whether it be 1, 2 or 3 pages, is valuable real estate. The objective statement in most cases is akin to building a cinder block wall on the shore of a waterfront property. Not only a waste of space, but something that blocks the best view.

You need to make a strong impression from the get go, and with the objective statement, it is hard to do that.

So, delete that objective statement. Dump it. You can address your objective, if it is relevant and interesting, in a well-written cover letter, or the email accompanying your resume, or perhaps in some form of summary section at the top of the resume.

I will address ways to powerfully introduce your resume in another post. For now, hit that delete key.

To get professional support on your resume, visit executive resume writing services.
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