Bold Career In the Press

Ian Christie and the Bold Career Project stand as a pioneering force in career coaching, consistently guiding individuals to success. Their influential expertise is not only reflected in numerous success stories but also acknowledged through interviews, comments, and quotes in the press, cementing their reputation as a trusted and impactful presence in the professional development landscape.

Employee Disengagement Common - Globe & Mail Interview

I did a lead interview a few years back on employee disengagement for Canada's national newspaper, the Globe & Mail. Is your job satisfaction low? Do you feel disengaged with your work? More to the point, if you think that you have a pattern of self-sabotaging your career or feel disengaged with your job, is to analyze the situation: Is it the job or is it you?

"Certainly a cause of disengagement could be bad times -- layoffs, continuous re-organization, uncertainty about what your job really is, who you report to, where you fit, workload problems," Mr. Christie said. "But then you also have to ask the question of yourself: What about your last job and the job before that? Every two years, do you end up like this? "A lot of people do. It's boredom, it's some pattern they get into . . . and it's somebody else's fault. My boss hates me, the company promised me a promotion and I didn't get it, I have got too much to do and I'm not getting paid enough, yada, yada. And a lot of that can be true."

Whatever the reason for low job satisfaction or employee disengagement, no one else is going to do anything about it. You can read the original article on the Globe & Mail site -  Disengagement Said Common in Workplace for some general ideas on what you can do to turn it around.

Globe & Mail Article

The Globe & Mail, a national newspaper in Canada, published an article on Saturday, July 31st titled “Disengagement said ‘common’ in workplace.” I am pleased to have been interviewed for this article. The big, I will say it…”cheezy” photo of me, however, has caused some ribbing from friends. Oh well.

Where the hot jobs are for graduates - Globe & Mail Interview

Deserve a Raise? Globe & Mail interview

Career Advice from the Pros - Globe & Mail Interview

Too old to take on an MBA? - Globe & Mail Interview

Career Change Article Published to Visual CV

At the root of failed career changes, bad job choices or an inability to make that next professional step is some level of what I call fuzziness around who we are professionally. Getting a clear and appreciative view of your professional assets is vital, foundational career development work. My friends at VisualCV, a leading online resume-building software provider, invited me to write a guest post. In response, I wrote an in-depth, step-by-step guest article for their blog on what to do if you're Suffering From Professional Value Fuzziness. I also put together a free 9-page PDF workbook to help you get started clarifying your professional assets.

Salary Negotiation quotes by Ian in Maxim Magazine

And while I am at it, thought I would mention another recent media appearance, although it is woefully late.

The April 2007 issue of Maxim magazine ran a few quotes from me on salary negotiations. If you happen to have that issue hangingin around, it is on page 126.

Your Job Search Should Never End

Interviewed by the Province newspaper’s Working section for their Sunday edition feature story on the benefits of keeping your antenna up in order to be visible and aware of potential new opportunities out there. AKA the Passive Job Search.

Stop Undermining Yourself at Work

I don’t know about you, but I am certainly guilty from time to time of undermining, or self-sabotaging myself. My latest article - Self-Sabotage: Stop Underming Yourself at Work tackles the subject.

“From time to time, you may undermine yourself on the job with your behaviour. This form of self-sabotage not only prevents you from performing at your full potential, but also gives colleagues and customers an opportunity to think less of you as an individual and professional.

With self-awareness, determination and practice, you can minimize these negative behaviours. Try this three-step process.” Read the full article.

My article on US Yahoo home page

A few years back, I wrote an article that seemed to resonate with people. The title was Stop Undermining yourself at work. Delighted to find out yesterday that this article was featured yesterday on the US Yahoo home page. Pretty cool. If you’ve stopped by as a result of that article, welcome. Glad to have you here.

Canadian Business Magazine Interview

The recruitment industry has been buzzing recently with CIBC World Markets taking legal action against Genuity Capital Markets for poaching employees.

I was delighted to receive a call on the subject from Canadian Business Magazine to discuss the employee side of the equation. It ended up in the Jan. 31 - Feb. 13 issue of the magazine in a small way. The article isn’t online unfortunately, but the gist of the quote is when you decide to leave, try and resign with some class. Give appropriate notice. Don’t do anything that could come back to haunt you. Common sense, really.

Bootstrapper » Top 100 HR Bloggers

Delighted to see that the Bootstrapper blog put this blog on their Bootstrapper » Top 100 HR Bloggers list.

Bizarre Interview Questions - Canadian Business Magazine Interview

I was interviewed by Canadian Business magazine on how to respond to bizarre interview questions. While out-of-the-box interview questions are nothing new, they do take on new forms to reflect the times. I'm not convinced that all interviewers have a specific intent and valid expectation of what they hope to get from the question. Typically, bizarre interview questions are inserted into the interview to catch you off guard and see how you respond, test how current you are, or how well you can relate your answer to the job. The bizarre interview question is an interviewing practice that's worth being aware of.

On CBC Radio

I had the wonderful experience and pleasure of being the guest on CBC Radio One on tuesday for a phone-in edition of Mark Forsythe’s BC Almanac. The subject was “quitting your job and getting a new one.” I have to admit it took me 2 minutes to get my radio voice, but it was fun.

Ian Christie Interviewed on TV for the Business News Network

If you happen to have access to the BNN - Business News Network Bloomber in Canada on Tuesday June 5th, you can see me in a taped interview at 8pm ET. The host, Bruce Sellery, did a great job of getting me to summarize my Getting Market Ready concept as it relates to job search.


Globe and Mail feature | Where are all the hot jobs for Graduates?