Career Coaching & Career Advice Blog

The articles you need to create
a successful and fulfilling career journey.


man on a chair writing notes

Handling a Voluntary Demotion

Making The Most Of a Career Setback

I think this is one of those questions where you are going to get different feedback and advice. Here’s mine.

There are a few things going on here. From a “you” perspective, it would be worth investigating what is behind this insecurity, and if there is anything you can do to work through it.

From a role perspective, dissect the executive job you hold and find out what areas, if any, you excel at, are comfortable with, and lastly, which are part of this insecurit…

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The Truth and Your Career

Applying truth in your professional career

The truth and managing your career. There are some not-so-obvious layers of meaning that you need to master in order to build a successful career. This concept is particularly important to grasp when you are heading into job search or career change mode.

Truth-Based Behaviour

The most obvious aspect of this theme is your behaviour and actions measured against ethical and legal standards. Not misrepresenting your qualifications. Dealing honestly with custom…

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What's Holding You Back in Your Career?

One of the things that a coach will do is get you to identify and be honest about those things that you are resisting doing. My latest Monster article, What's Holding You Back in Your Career tackles one aspect of the question.

“Is there some task or project you’ve been doing your creative best to avoid working on? I’ll bet there is. But instead of wasting mental energy worrying about it, you can learn to overcome your resistance and tackle important, high-value tasks quickly and efficiently so th…

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How to Get Unstuck - 5 Steps

5 steps to breaking through the wall

How often do you have a project / task to do, but find yourself in neutral, with your wheels spinning? Staring at your computer screen, messing around with email, flitting from one piece of paper to another, and getting more and more frustrated because you have an objective, a deadline, and you are getting further and further behind?

It happens to me, but not as often as it used to.

There are different forms of being stuck and in an upcoming article, I write abo…

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When to Take a Lower Position

Downshifting. Does it ever make sense to take a step down the career ladder? If you can get past that nagging, inborn sense that “going lower” can only be a sign of downward career mobility, the answer is yes. Taking a lesser position can help move your career forward if the job fits into a larger long-term plan. Read on to find out when a lower position might make sense, and how you can make such a transition successfully. When to take a lower position.


KEY TAKEAWAYS | Downshifting can help mo…

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Stop Undermining Yourself at Work

I don’t know about you, but I am certainly guilty from time to time of undermining, or self-sabotaging myself. My latest article - Self-Sabotage: Stop Underming Yourself at Work tackles the subject.

“From time to time, you may undermine yourself on the job with your behaviour. This form of self-sabotage not only prevents you from performing at your full potential, but also gives colleagues and customers an opportunity to think less of you as an individual and professional.

With self-…

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