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Career Development During the Holidays Series: The Reflective Phase

Beyond strengthening bonds with those around you, the Holidays offer an invaluable opportunity for reflection.
In recent years, the New Year’s resolution has been battered in the media. However, there is a natural cycle occurring that we can and should benefit from. We are hardwired to wind up the old year and ring in the new. It is a natural time to reflect on where we have been and where we want to go. The Holidays also offer the potential for time off, or, depending on the business you are in, a quieter workplace.
Take advantage of this convergence to invest in some reflective alone time.
Action Item
If you haven’t already, consider booking some time for yourself and your favorite tools for journaling.
Here are some questions to get you started. I recommend that you apply this process to both your personal and professional life, examining the various roles you play in your life.
1. What happened this year that I want to record?
2. Where did I meet the targets I set for myself and where did I fall short?
3. What behaviours helped me to succeed? What behaviours caused me to fail?
4. What did I learn?
5. What unfinished business do I have going into the New Year?
6. What do I want for the coming year?
What do I want to start doing?
What do I want to stop doing?
What do I want to achieve? Happen? For me? For those around me?
7. Why are those things important to me? What different will they make in my life?
8. What would success look like in the various aspects of my life?
9. What decisions do I need to make?
10. What am I resisting doing?
11. What goals am I setting for myself?
12. What is my plan to achieve those goals?
13. What structures can I set in place to increase the probabilities that I will succeed?
Here are some ideas:
A mentor, coach, or advisor - to help clarify, strategize, execute, and hold you accountable
Teaming up. Joining a group working towards a similar goal
Telling people about my goals.
Putting review days in my calendar
Making and acting on the decisions necessary to achieve your goals
Of course, your exploration can go in many different places. It might be the beginning of a powerful year. You might also simply confirm and validate that you are on the right track. Either way, the process will make you feel more certain and energized as you hit the New Year.