Career Coaching & Career Advice Blog


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Holiday / Vacation Benefit

When you are in the right business / job, one of the benefits of taking a real break, as I did during the Christmas to New Years stretch is that your brain starts to work in new and fresh ways. Your creativity is sparked. You see new solutions to old problems and opportunities where they didn’t seem to exist back in November.

This has certainly been the case with me over the years, and this holiday was no exception.

Keyword = Buzzing.

Lots of great ideas, and new points of view. So, here’s to…

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The Gratitude Edition

I am having one of those weeks. A pile of small challenges amidst the regular load and pace of professional and family life. Nothing major. A dropped and destroyed cell phone. Bad traffic. An overload of kid’s homework projects. Small things really.

So, on this day before American Thanksgiving Day, I woke up being mindful of everything I have to be grateful for. I am grateful to have your attention. I am grateful for the privilege of advising you and thousands of others by doing things I love to…

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The Truth and Your Career

Applying truth in your professional career

The truth and managing your career. There are some not-so-obvious layers of meaning that you need to master in order to build a successful career. This concept is particularly important to grasp when you are heading into job search or career change mode.

Truth-Based Behaviour

The most obvious aspect of this theme is your behaviour and actions measured against ethical and legal standards. Not misrepresenting your qualifications. Dealing honestly with custom…

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Man standing at edge of water looking at sunset

Don't Give Up on Your Professional Development Goals

Achieving career development through determination

I am so glad to be writing about this topic this week. You see, more than 80% of resolutions are dropped by January 17th. Great intentions at the beginning of the month slide away in the face of day-to-day pressures.

If you are intent on doing something with your career this year (and I hope you are…we should all be developing professionally), then you need more than will power.

You need to establish what you want. And then, you need to set firmly …

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mountain hut in snow

Career Development During the Holidays Series: The New Beginnings Phase

Okay. You’ve socialized. You’ve reflected and planned. What’s next?


On what?
Internal career development. Job search. Career change. Increasing your profile and personal brand in your market / community. Launching that product or service. Personal development. Personal or family projects. Health. You name it.

Some powerful ideas for getting a strong start to your year:

1. Schedule your year

Major events and milestones. Self-set deadlines for goal achievement. Vacations. Long weekends. Weekly f…

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Career Development During the Holidays Series

The Holidays are not a career development wasteland. In fact, December & January are a powerful time for career development. There are 3 time periods, or natural phases that take place during the Holidays and each phase has its own inherent opportunities. They are:

  1. The Social Phase

  2. The Reflective Phase

  3. The New Beginnings Phase

How can you make the most of the Holidays? I will look at each of these in turn over the next day or two.

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